In WT mice, calpains 8 and 9 demonstrated Ca2+-dependent autolysis (Determine 6D, lanes 1 and 5), which was inhibited by the addition of a recombinant calpastatin domain 1 fragment, one of four inhibitory units of an endogenous calpain-specific inhibitor protein, or of E64c, a more general cysteine protease inhibitor (lanes 3, 4, 7, and 8).… Continue reading In WT mice, calpains 8 and 9 demonstrated Ca2+-dependent autolysis (Determine 6D, lanes 1 and 5), which was inhibited by the addition of a recombinant calpastatin domain 1 fragment, one of four inhibitory units of an endogenous calpain-specific inhibitor protein, or of E64c, a more general cysteine protease inhibitor (lanes 3, 4, 7, and 8)
Category: Cytochrome P450
The retrospective analysis of neutralising antibodies in the available diagnostic samples and the evaluation of humoral immunity have already been reviewed and approved by the Ethics Committee from the Medical Faculty from the School of Dsseldorf (study no
The retrospective analysis of neutralising antibodies in the available diagnostic samples and the evaluation of humoral immunity have already been reviewed and approved by the Ethics Committee from the Medical Faculty from the School of Dsseldorf (study no. considerably higher antibody amounts in completely vaccinated infected people compared to completely vaccinated uninfected people ( 0.001).… Continue reading The retrospective analysis of neutralising antibodies in the available diagnostic samples and the evaluation of humoral immunity have already been reviewed and approved by the Ethics Committee from the Medical Faculty from the School of Dsseldorf (study no
Razis E, Bobos M, Kotoula V, Eleftheraki AG, Kalofonos HP, Pavlakis K, Papakostas P, Aravantinos G, Rigakos G, Efstratiou I, Petraki K, Bafaloukos D, Kostopoulos I, et al
Razis E, Bobos M, Kotoula V, Eleftheraki AG, Kalofonos HP, Pavlakis K, Papakostas P, Aravantinos G, Rigakos G, Efstratiou I, Petraki K, Bafaloukos D, Kostopoulos I, et al. a different resistance mechanism. In NCI N87 HR cells, characterized by a marked increase in HER2-signaling pathways with respect to the parental cell line, trastuzumab sensitivity was… Continue reading Razis E, Bobos M, Kotoula V, Eleftheraki AG, Kalofonos HP, Pavlakis K, Papakostas P, Aravantinos G, Rigakos G, Efstratiou I, Petraki K, Bafaloukos D, Kostopoulos I, et al